Welcome to the Australian Tunnelling Society Mentor Alliance, a dynamic program connecting engineers and other professionals in the tunnelling industry for mentorships with peers. This initiative is led by the Diversity in Tunnelling Subcommittee with a vision to inspire and empower our members with the opportunity to learn new skills and grow their careers with increased confidence and knowledge gained through the mentorship. The 2024 Mentor Alliance is endorsed by ATS DiT and Young Members.

The help a mentor can provide is like having a professional companion who can give an out-of-box suggestion at the most needed time, motivating and also celebrating your success. The mentees will get increased confidence and awareness through the program which elevates their skill level for career development.

At the same time, the program also benefits a mentor by giving them a chance to see a different perspective, get satisfaction and recognition for assisting to develop skills, and cultivate leadership within society. Through this program, the mentors get a chance to experience exciting challenges and identify future leaders to embrace the industry.

Make a positive difference as a mentor.

Learn new skills and grow as a mentee.

Get involved with exciting challenges and contribute to the continued growth and innovation in our field. Join us in this journey of mentorship and growth, as we shape the future of the tunneling industry together.

Matches have been sent out to applicants, please reach out if you haven’t received your match or have further queries.

Special dates

  • Orientation Sessions – 15 and 17 May
  • Recurring Learning and Development Forums  – dates TBC

Encourage and empower

My main goal was to encourage and provide constructive feedback, as mentors can help younger engineers build confidence in their abilities, empowering them to take on challenging projects and assume leadership roles in the future. I have also aimed at introducing younger engineers to key contacts, industry stakeholders and groups, supporting them in expanding their professional network and opening doors to potential opportunities and collaborations.

We value diversity

Now in my 60’s, I’ve only relatively recently felt able to acknowledge being gay and realised how much more empowered I feel when I can be my full self at work.  I put myself forward as a mentor in the diversity space hoping to be able to pass on some of my learning of the real power of valuing diversity

Connect and share

I joined the mentoring program as a mentee and a mentor to connect with people, learn from others and share my knowledge. It was truly inspiring, and I have built new friendships.

Learn and grow

I’ve been in the industry for a while, thought I knew most people. It’s why I nominated as a mentor. However, through this program I gained insight into a part of the industry new to me.  Even as the mentor I learned so much.


Agnes Varo
ATS DiT: Committee Member

Amanda Huang
ATS DiT: Committee Member

Shenyan Yao
ATSYM: Committee Member

Email: diversityintunnelling@gmail.com