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Registrations for the Shotcrete 2024 workshop are filling fast, so don’t miss out book your seat now.

The workshop will cover a range of topics related to developments in shotcrete for ground support in Australia. The format will comprise a first day of lectures covering the essentials of shotcrete technology for all applications, the second day will focus on more advanced aspects of shotcrete relevant to civil tunnels and infra-structure. It will finish with a facilitated interactive discussion where all attendees can share their experiences, views and identify areas of need for further information. There is an optional field trip on day 3 to the Fire Testing Laboratory at Victoria University, Werribee.

If you are interested in shotcrete and want to hear the most up-to-date overview of both established and newly developed practice in shotcrete technology, hurry and register now for the Shotcrete 2024 workshop on August 14-15, 2024.  For the full program, refer to the attached event flyer below:

Flyer for Melbourne shotcrete workshop 2024 V2


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