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Note this event is on Monday. Networking starts at 6pm, talk at 6.30pm.


The presentation highlights the challenges and global trends in mechanized tunneling with some case studies. There are many challenges and each project faces its own obstacles like higher face pressure, bigger diameter, long tunnel routes, ground conditions, lower overburdens and in addition the local restrictions and standards around the world.

Speaker:      Mr. Thorsten Gaertner, General Manager-Field Service Melbourne Projects

Thorsten Gärtner graduated from the FH Mainz University with a degree in Civil Engineering and then joined the Herrenknecht Company in 2000.

He started his career as a project engineer in the Field Service department, working on various project sites, in the Netherland, Hong Kong, Austria, Switzerland, Australia and California USA, with some time in between spent back in Germany at the Headquarter. In 2005, he was appointed as the Field Service Manager in Singapore to take care of the circle line project. After 3 years working in Singapore he returned to the Headquarter in Germany for 2 years before coming to Hong Kong to take on the role of Country Manager of Herrenknecht Hong Kong in 2009 until 2018. In 2019 he moved to Melbourne as General Manager- Field Service Melbourne Projects.

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