Safe Work Australia’s Virtual Seminar Series on silica dust, known as the “#silicaseries” was published in July 2018. As many members would be aware, the tunnelling industry presents many inherent work health and safety risks, with silica dust being one hazard of current focus by the ATS.

The #silicaseries featured six leaders representing different key stakeholders sharing their insights into managing the risk of silica dust exposure.  The aim of this seminar series was to:

  • raise awareness of silica dust as a key risk to health
  • explain the work of SafeWork NSW in addressing this issue
  • outline the important role that clients have in delivering positive health and safety outcomes
  • provide information on international best practice in illness and disease prevention
  • highlight the work performed by leading contractors on silica dust control; and
  • provide information on how industry is working collaboratively to proactively address silica dust exposure.

You can watch all the presentations here:

[L-R Keith Bannerman|ATS, Daniel Beavon|SafeWork NSW, Kate Cole|Sydney Metro, Kurt Warren|Laing O’Rourke, Christian D’Hondt|John Holland, CPB Contractors, Ghella JV, Stephen Jones|Sydney Metro]